What is Proof-Of Performance?
Proof of Performance is a certification that the marketing contracted is being carried out. This can come in many forms such as an in-depth report, daily driver logs, photo evidence, GPS and satellite tracking, etc. It helps to assure the customer that they’ve gotten what they’ve paid for.
Every marketing and billboard company is different so confer with them on how they approach providing you with an appropriate Proof of Performance.
Old School Meets The New World
What is neat is that with the advance in technology, proving a service has been carried out is even easier than ever. Yet, mistakes can be made and tech can fail. So, how does one cover their bases?
Mobile Billboards likes to combine old school tactics with new world technology for an all-encompassing status report for our clients. First and foremost, we utilize satellite GPS programs so a customer can follow their mobile billboard in real time. You can track where it’s been and where it’s going from the comfort of your own home. We also provide detailed daily driver logs that include interactions with the public and notes about the campaign, course obstacles and perception. We don’t rely on tech alone however. Our professionals snap photos of the billboards in action during different points in the day as well as throughout the campaign. This way you can see in many forms that you’re getting what you paid for and then some.
We also offer a Viewer Tracking option for an additional cost that follows the reaction of viewers to the billboard itself. Using this service you can find out to what extent and with what impact your advertisement is reaching the target consumer.
What Does This Offer A Client?
Of course, ultimate peace-of-mind. You can rest easy knowing that your campaign is underway and that you can keep tabs on your desktop, laptop or mobile device. This way you can feel better knowing you can be on a beach halfway around the world and that your marketing initiatives are being carried out dutifully.
This also helps your campaign perform to the highest standards and produce the most effective results because you can monitor the data and shift direction. This means that if you aren’t happy with the areas or target consumer response that you are witnessing you can speak or send a message to our Mobile Billboard team about changes to route, times or change the target consumer entirely if a more promising opportunity presents itself. Instead of being set in stone, you have the freedom to make the most out of your marketing dollar and work with our pros to tweak the current campaign to perfection.
At Mobile Billboards, your satisfaction is what drives us. Unlike other companies that may cut corners assuming you can’t check in on their progress, we offer you complete transparency. We want to be out there making it happen for you and so we make sure you have all the Proof of Performance you could ever need. Find out how our experienced techs can get you started on your next campaign by calling us at 708.667.4196 or sending us an email HERE.
There is a reason why Mobile Billboards are remembered by the masses. See how it can benefit your business by clicking here >>> Mobile Billboards For You!