Perception Research Found That Vehicle Advertising Is 2.5 Times More Effective Than Fixed Billboard Advertising!
Perception Research Found That Vehicle Advertising Is 2.5 Times More Effective Than Fixed Billboard Advertising!
The entire Mobile Billboard family would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a coming year full of joy, laughter, love and success!
Running a successful and high impact mobile marketing campaign that is remembered all comes down to how you design the ad in itself!
The size, color and font of your text drastically impacts how far away your billboard sign can be viewed from!
It’s no secret that mobile billboards are the most cost-effective and unique form of advertising already set for success when it comes to driving more business!
When it comes to designing your billboard, make sure you avoid the pitfalls of applying standards that are insignificant in outdoor marketing!
Come to the Hickory Hills Business Expo tomorrow and you have a chance to meet some amazing folks and WIN some gift certificates for our services!
Truly understanding the habits and responsibilities of your target consumer will change the entire scope of your marketing and when is most optimal to run ads!
You can find out to what extent and with what impact your ads are reaching and interacting with target consumers!
Find out once and for all if billboards truly still work in the quick-paced, technologically advanced landscape of the modern day!
Studies have proven that Mobile Billboards are one of the most important and effective forms of advertising in today’s world.
They say that numbers don’t lie and those we just discovered about mobile billboards and outdoor advertising might completely surprise you!
Following the simple rules of marketing, you need multiple interactions with a single consumer in order to establish trust and increase your overall sales.
When the quarantine finally lifts, there will be a whole surge of advertising challenges that your business will want to stay ahead of!