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How To Design Your Mobile Billboard Ad 410x1024 - How To Design Your Mobile Billboard Ad
How To Design Your Mobile Billboard Ad
Mobile Billboard Advertising is the most cost-effective of the major marketing channels. You can reach more people for less and, with a 97% retention rate, create more of an impact. The first step in any successful campaign is to make sure your ad design is solid and the most effective it can be.
Try to keep your message 7 simple to understand words or less. Make sure these words take up no more than 2 lines.
Capitalize your text and think about the size of your font. Text that is 1 inch high can be seen from 10 feet away so 15 inch font can be seen from 150 feet away.
There is a definite science behind color combinations. Make sure your text color and background colors don’t clash or make it hard to read. For instance, red on yellow is nice but white on yellow is ghastly.
Try to stick with as simple a layout as possible. 1 background – 1 headline – 1 image.
Choose only 1 way for customers to contact you. Website, phone, email, address, etc. Only 1 contact point otherwise your ad gets cluttered and it’s harder to remember contact info.
Sans Serif is just font without fancy lines coming off of the letters. This is actually easier to read on larger formats such as billboards.
Try not to cram too many ideas onto your billboard. Pick one main point that you want to get across and advertise that. Make it a point that has the most benefit to your target audience.
To have your ad designed by the pros, check out what service options we offer!  To find out more, click here > Mobile Billboard!
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[…] into the mind of a consumer requires skill, creativity and perseverance.  While the key is to Design A Stunning and Effective Mobile Billboard Ad, there is such a thing as creating a harmful […]

Mobile advertising and marketing is a famous advertising method. It is the communication of messages to the audience through their cell devices.


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